
  • svgCategory:Research
  • svgCourse:MSc. Research project
  • svgCollaborator:Bruna Goveia da Rocha
  • svgConference
    CHI 2021
    May 2021
  • svgTry MOAS!Download MOAS here.


Machine Operation Alignment System

MOAS enables samples to travel between digital fabrication machines like 3D printers and digital embroidery machines. With MOAS a machine knows where to continue on an already existing sample. MOAS was part of the paper Exquisite Fabrication: Exploring Turn-taking between Designers and Digital Fabrication Machines

Turn-taking between machines is achieved through the MOAS software. MOAS stands for Machine Operation Alignment System. This software can be used to align operations within a machine, e.g. position a digital model precisely within the build area of a 3D printer or align a digital embroidery machine to a previously made sample. MOAS was created as part of the aforementioned research.

MOAS consists of two pieces of software, MOAS SD and MOAS TT both can be found within the repository. Their functionality and use are explained below. As well as how to use MOAS with a digital Embroidery machine and a 3D printer.

The goal of this software is to allow samples to travel between machines and production techniques. We demonstrate this in the paper Exquisite Fabrication: Exploring Turn-taking between Designers and Digital Fabrication Machines through the fabrication of a soft wearable inflatable.